Tag Archives: ketamine

Why Ketamine-Assisted Therapy Has Gone Mainstream

Why Ketamine-Assisted Therapy Has Gone Mainstream - Moonhaus

Depression is a societal menace. Millions of people worldwide deal with depression; some struggle to get by, while some get over it. A typical example is a 41-year-old sommelier in Chicago, Seth Wilson has dealt with depression and anxiety for many years. It started when Seth was 13 years old. Over time, he had to […]

How Ready is the World for Ketamine Therapy?

How Ready is the World for Ketamine Therapy? - Moonhaus

A presentation was made in the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center by a psychiatrist, Salvador Roquet, in the fall of 1972. This presentation was worthy of note because the psychiatrist came from his home in Mexico City to make a presentation in an institution funded by the United States government. This presentation was about an ongoing […]

The Use and Effects of 2C-B

The Use and Effects of 2C-B - Moonhaus

If you enter any club in the UK, some of the drugs that you are surely going to come across include MDMA, ketamine, coke, and 2C-B. While the first three drugs are common to partygoers and clubbers in the country, 2C-B is a bit new to many people. This article aims to create some awareness […]

Psychedelic Health Care: The Hope and Perils

Psychedelic Health Care: The Hope and Perils - Moonhaus

Several recreational drugs that are known for providing the user with a mind-altering trip are now being studied for the treatment of depression, substance misuse, as well as other disorders. Here are the important details. Oregon is in the process of making mushrooms legal. Ketamine can now be brought right to your home. And people […]

Reasons Why Ketamine Use In Therapy Is Now A Thing

Reasons Why Ketamine Use In Therapy Is Now A Thing

You should look no further than this space for a complete evaluation of the studies looking into the potential usefulness of Ketamine in medical therapy. Generally, all signs point to the fact that Ketamine might relieve chronic depression and suicidal thoughts. When its effects kick in, it softens the ground enough for other forms of […]

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