Penis Envy Mushrooms (3.5G, 7G, 14G, 28G)
Canadian Psychedelic Medicines – Penis Envy Magic Mushrooms (3.5G, 7G, 14G, 28G)
We are thrilled to offer our organic and most potent Penis Envy Mushrooms that will sweep you off your feet. Penis Envy mushrooms is the powerhouse strain known to be the strongest and hard hitting. Not recommended for first time users. This strain is special and offers a transformative experience.
Dosing Penis Envy Magic Mushrooms:
.25 grams (g) for a threshold dose
.25-1g for a light dose (recreational dose)
.5-1g for a medium dose (recreational dose)
5-5g for a strong dose (spiritual dose)
5 or more grams for a heroic dose (spiritual dose)
What is Penis Envy Mushrooms?
If you have ever wondered what are Penis Envy Mushrooms, you’re probably wondering: what are they?
The answer may surprise you! Penis Envy is a kind of mushroom that has been known for many years, and its popularity is mainly due to its effects . The mushroom has several benefits for men, so you might want to try it out for yourself!
It grows on the human penis and is cultivated specifically for penis enhancement. Its caps barely open and stay attached to the stem. The mushrooms produce spores that are too tiny to be visible. In nature, these mushrooms would die in the wild, so their popularity has caused their price to skyrocket. Penis Envy mushrooms can be purchased for research purposes, but you need to make sure they are safe.
The fungus is called Penis Envy because its name suggests that they can be used as a sexual enhancement. However, it’s important to note that these mushrooms are not actually legal in the U.S. The spores are not able to produce psilocybin, so you’ll need to get permission to use them. The mushroom is available from many online sources, including Moonhaus.
chad_linton –
Stronger than golden teachers and less enjoyable. A little more retching kinda feeling.
petitcaramel6 –
Always amazing. quality 10/10 service 10/10 . Website design 10/10 . Fast shipping. they always ship the product same day .