Molly: Pure, but Not So Simple.

Molly: Pure, but Not So Simple. - Moonhaus

Recently, the medicinal use of 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) has been a hot topic. People are debating whether or not the FDA will approve it as a legitimate drug. This drug, also known as Molly, directly affects neurotransmitters in the brain. It then binds to presynaptic serotonin transporters and causes its effects.

However, the use of the substance has been shown to promote general well-being, facilitate conversation, improve self-confidence, and lower user anxiety, to name a few benefits. As beneficial, its effect when the user is not adequately managed is negative; it causes dehydration, sleeplessness, overheating, a jump in blood pressure, etc. It hurts the fetus when used by a pregnant woman’s parents. This has resulted in a ransom because to brown, which may or may not be decriminalized or forbidden indefinitely.

However, most medical studies on psychedelics have focused on two drugs: psilocybin, the main element in magic mushrooms, and MDMA, also known as Ecstasy or Molly. LSD, mescaline, DMT, and other psychedelics are also being studied more deeply.

Furthermore, the medicinal effect overcomes the adverse effect when used correctly Microdosing has proven successful in maximizing the therapeutic use of psychedelic substances and diminishing their adverse effects. Would the FDA approve this drug for its medicinal potential while pretending that the adverse effects do not exist? 

Is Molly a new substance? No, Merck Pharmaceuticals patented 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine (MDMA) in 1914, but it did not make headlines until the 1970s. Psychotherapists began giving it to patients to get them to open up. It first appeared in New York nightclubs in the late 1980s, and by the early 1990s, it had become the drug of choice at night parties, dance clubs, and shows, effectively used as a stimulant.

Ecstasy, known for inducing feelings of euphoria, closeness, and reduced anxiety, was hastily adopted by Wall Street traders and Chelsea gallerinas. However, as demand grew, so did the number of rich content in each pill (caffeine, talcum powder, ketamine, ephedrine, LSD, and aspirin, to name a few).

In the last decade, it reappeared in clubs as Molly, a powder or crystalline form of MDMA that implied greater purity and safety; it is now rebranded as an easy to consume. As a result, MDMA has found a new audience among a generation of conscientious professionals who are new to the rave and are known for making careful food, coffee, and clothing choices. Like previous generations of marijuana enthusiasts, they argue that Molly (the name derived from the word “molecule”) feels natural and harmless.

MDMA was designated as an illegal substance for the first time in 1985. By the early 2000s, public officials had dubbed Ecstasy “Agony” and warned that using MDMA could result in Parkinson’s disease, a lifetime of depression, and “holes in your brain.”

According to Dr John Halpern, a Harvard psychiatrist who has conducted several MDMA studies, those claims have since been debunked. The FDA has recently approved studies to see if MDMA can apply to PTSD and anxiety treatments in patients. And Dr Halpern has found no evidence that the drug impairs cognitive performance.

However, doctors and law enforcement officials are more concerned about the numerous substances people may unknowingly ingest when they take Molly. “Anyone can call something Molly to make it sound less harmful,” Mr Payne of the DEA said. “However, it could be anything.”

According to Dr Halpern, many Molly powders contain no MDMA; others are synthetic concoctions designed to mimic the drug’s effects, according to Mr Payne. Despite promises of greater purity and potency, Molly’s popularity has grown to the point where it is equally contaminated as Ecstasy was.

“You’re delusory if you think it’s safer because it’s powdered form,” Dr Halpern said.

27-year-old Sarah Nicole Prickett, a Vice and The New Inquiry culture and commentary writer, opened up on her thoughts about Molly’s comparison with other substances. She thinks there is great awareness about the origin of coke and what it does in regions that peddle it. She referred to cocaine as a “blood drug.”

Ms Prickett switched locations from New York to Toronto last year and added, unlike coke, she could see why Molly would take hold in her new surroundings.

“In New York, it seemed like everyone did drugs for work, that everyone was high,” she explained. “Molly makes you feel unplanned, which is not a common feeling in New York, where everyone always knows where they’re going, and they move very fast.”

Rick Doblin, whose organization, the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, which has helped fund intensive research into MDMA studies since the drug first entered the club scene, compared Molly to previous drug trends: in the 1960s, people sought more profound spirituality and discovered LSD; in the 1970s, due to mainstream hippie culture, marijuana entered the suburban household; and in the 1980s, cocaine complemented the extravagance and selfishness of the greed drank. MDMA, which, in addition to being a stimulant, promotes feelings of bonding and human connection, could be precisely what people are looking for.

“People are starving for the opposite: deeper human interaction where you’re not rushing around,” Mr Doblin explained. “Molly’s rise is in sync with how people feel emotionally.”

Robert Glatter, an ER physician at Lenox Hill Hospital,  strongly disagrees. Dr Glatter could go months without hearing anything about Molly; now, he sees about four patients per month suffering from its typical side effects, including teeth grinding, dehydration, anxiety, insomnia, fever, and loss of appetite. (More severe side effects include hyperthermia, seizures, high blood pressure, and depression caused by a sudden drop in serotonin levels in the days following use, dubbed Suicide Tuesdays.)

According to Rusty Payne, an agent at the Drug Enforcement Administration’s national headquarters, users abused this substance. Since 2004, there has been an increase in MDMA-related emergency cases. According to research, two Molly users died in three years. As a result, it was then found out that if Molly is only abused, its effect is not exaggerated.

In conclusion,

MDMA, the active ingredient in ecstasy pills, was recently proven in a new trial. This is also beneficial in treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This is accompanied by a sympathetic mood, sensory pleasure, self-confidence, increased vitality, and similar effects. This invasive therapy innovation will benefit us more than harm us in the long run.

The miraculous medication has been discovered to help those suffering from anxiety and despair. Even though it has medicinal properties, the government has not approved it for public use, and illegal use is to be prosecuted.

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